As a complimentary extension of our popular eWatch product, subscribers receive a personalized eCalendar that will automatically capture any future appearance dates for the cases being monitored on eWatch and will display them in a personal, customized online calendar.
eCalendar delivers numerous benefits to subscribers, allowing users to:
Assignment Calendar:
Power eLaw users can synchronize their case information, appearance dates and eCalendar to many popular off-the-shelf and customized case management systems as well as Microsoft Outlook and Google Calendar. Case management systems available for sync include: SmartAdvocate®, LexPI®, TimeMatters®, TrialWorks®, Filevine®, Clio® and Litify®.
eWatch subscribers can use the Calendar Sync feature to ensure seamless and error-free diary and calendar entries. To learn how to activate Calendar Sync for Google calendar and Android smartphones,Calendar Sync for for Microsoft® Outlook®, as well as Apple iPhone and iPad devices, contact eLaw at 877-204-4250